BAMS Course Structure

BAMS Course Structure & Duration

  • First Professional Year 1 and ½ Years
  • Second Professional Year 1 and ½ Years
  • Third Professional Year 1 and ½ Years
  • Internship 1 Year

BAMS Curriculum

The BAMS graduate degree course consists of three different sections of academic semester of 1 and ½ years each.

These semesters are known as the three professional courses.

The first professional course syllabus consists of anatomy, physiology and history of Ayurvedic system.

The second course syllabus contains biology and pharmacology and the final course contains the surgery, ENT, skin, obstetrics and gynaecology.

BAMS Syllabus

The Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery (BAMS) syllabus covers a wide range of subjects.

It is totally an integrated course in which students are taught to treat a disease with the help of modern medicine as well as Traditional medicine like Ayurveda.

The BAMS course is divided into four professional courses according to the Central Council of Indian Medicine.

The different subjects in the four professional courses are tabulated below:

  • Particulars Syllabus
  • First Professional
  • Padartha Vigyan And Ayurved Itihas
  • Sanskrit
  • Kriya Sharir
  • Rachana Sharir
  • Maulik Siddhant Avum Ashtang Hridaya
  • Second Professional
  • Dravyaguna Vighyan
  • Roga Nidan
  • Rasashastra
  • Charak Samhita
  • Third Professional
  • Agadtantra
  • Swasthavritta
  • Prasuti Tantra Evum Stri Roga
  • Kaumarbhritya Parichaya
  • Charak Samhita (Uttarardha)
  • Fourth Professional
  • Kayachikitsa
  • Panchkarma
  • Shalya Tantra
  • Shalakya Tantra

Research Methodology And Medical Statistics

BAMS Subjects

The detailed subjects of all the professional years of BAMS Course prescribed by the various Universities and colleges are as follows:

First Professional Year Subjects:

First Year Subjects Second Year Subjects

History of Ayurveda Physiology (Kriya Sharira) Panchkarma Sanskrit Samitha Rasayana Anatomy (Rachna Sharira) History of Modern Medicine Vajikarana Pharmaceuticals of Ayurveda (Rasa Shastra evam Bhaisajya Kalpana) Toxicology (Agadtantra) Pathology (Nidan Vigyana) Medica of Ayurveda (Dravyaguna) Jurisprudence (Vidhi Vaidyaka) Nadi Pariksha (Pulse Diagnosis)

Final Professional Year (1.5 Year):

Final Professional Year Subjects

ENT, Eye &Dentistry (Shalakya Tantra) Gynaecology (Prasuti Tantra) Medical Ethics & Yoga Kaya Chikitsa (General Medicine) Obstetric (Stri Yoga) Dissertation

BAMS Recommended Books

The recommended books of BAMS Course are tabulated below:

Name of the Books

  • Sanskrita Ayurveda Sudha
  • Psycho Pathology in Indian Medicine
  • History of Indian Medicine (1-3 part)
  • Indian Medicine in the classical age Acharya
  • History of Medicine in India Acharya
  • Ayurvedic Human Anatomy
  • Clinical Pathology and Bacteriology
  • Clinical methods in Ayurveda
  • Textbook of Pathology
  • BAMS Specializations

BAMS is a vast field and this course offers various specializations in the field, some of them are enlisted below:

  • Padartha Vigyan
  • Sharir Rachana
  • Sharir Kriya
  • Swasthavritta
  • Rasa Shastra
  • Agad Tantra
  • Rog & Vikriti Vigyan
  • Charak Samhita
  • Prasuti and Stri Roga
  • KaumaraBhritya
  • Kayachikitsa
  • Shalya Tantra
  • Shalakya Tantra
  • Charak Samhita and other South Asian countries.
BAMS Course Structure